3 Ways to Boost Tummy Tuck Recovery

Tummy tucks are generally performed to create a shapelier, more sculpted abdominal area by removing unwanted fat and skin while tightening lax muscles and tissues. When you’re discussing your tummy tuck, don’t forget to talk about your recovery plan with your surgeon, along with taking the usual steps for organizing your procedure, such as finding an experienced plastic surgeon in the first place, scheduling a one-on-one consultation, and making yourself fully aware of what’s involved. It can take a couple of months to fully heal after a tummy tuck, and our Milwaukee-area team emphasizes that there will be some activity restrictions following the surgery, so be sure to plan your work and social events in such a way that you have sufficient time to recover. Here are some simple recovery tips to get you started:

1. Get Plenty of Sleep

Enjoying a good night’s rest becomes particularly important after any kind of major plastic surgery procedure, because sleep helps the body to heal at a faster rate, as well as lowers stress levels. The effects of any anesthetic and medications taken after surgery usually cause many patients to feel drowsy and weak for days after a tummy tuck. Unfortunately, many patients have sleep problems after a major operation. Try to pinpoint the source of your sleep issues as best as possible and resolve them to give your body its best chance to heal.

2. Optimize Nutrition

Many patients feel queasy, experience a loss of appetite, or have other digestive issues in the days right after surgery, so they make the mistake of not eating and drinking enough. Eating is important for energy, hydration, and healing. Stick to bland, easily digested foods, then gradually move onto foods that promote healing, such as lean proteins, fiber, low-sodium foods, and whole grains. Increase your water intake to reduce swelling.

3. Avoid Strenuous Activities

After a tummy tuck, you’ll have to temporarily discontinue intense workouts, including running, lifting heavy weights, and other intense exercises that increase blood pressure and put strain on the incision sites.

Tummy tucks help to create a toned, flatter abdomen after major weight loss or pregnancy, or simply enhance the appearance of your stomach if you’ve always had some extra fullness or flab  in this area. To learn more about what to expect from a tummy tuck, talk to the Parkins Plastic Surgery team. Call us at (262) 269-1050, or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.

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