Add Volume Where You Want It with Breast Implants or Fat Transfer from the Milwaukee and Madison Area’s Dr. Maida Parkins

One of the most highly sought-after plastic surgery procedures in the United States is breast augmentation. Milwaukee and Madison area plastic surgeon Dr. Maida Parkins regularly works with women who choose breast enlargement with breast implants or fat transfer breast augmentation for a variety of reasons, whether they are looking to regain a more youthful shape or want to correct asymmetry in breast size or volume. With Dr. Parkins, you will find compassionate care from a plastic surgeon who understands how the appearance of the breasts can make women feel anything from self-conscious to confident. She takes every step possible to ensure you will feel comfortable in her office.
Woman with natural make up and curly long hair

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Breast augmentation consistently ranks No. 1 out of the top five cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States each year, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Breast implants can create a striking change if desired. Smaller implants or fat transfer can be used to add subtle volume. With the direction of a skilled surgeon, breasts can grow in size, change in shape and contour, and give your body the hourglass figure you’ve dreamed of.

What Makes a Good Breast Augmentation Candidate?

The choice for breast augmentation is a highly personal one. That said, there are some common themes shared by women who decide to get breast implants. Many of Dr. Parkins’ patients choose the procedure after experiencing changes in breast volume due to breastfeeding, noticing deflated breasts due to dramatic weight loss, developing a mismatch in breast shape and size, or simply feeling self-conscious due to having small breasts. Understanding your BMI before your consultation will help determine your eligibility for surgery.
Do I Need a Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, or Both?
Do I Need a Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, or Both?

Personalized Breast Augmentation Consultations for Milwaukee and Madison

The first step in your breast augmentation journey is a meeting with the team at Dr. Parkins’ office. This gives you the perfect opportunity to get to know the staff and ask any questions you have about your breast surgery. We believe in thorough patient education and use this initial visit to help patients understand what they can expect.

The consultation will be a one-on-one, no-obligation visit with Dr. Parkins. She will review your medical history and go over any areas of your body that you would like to address with plastic surgery.

Specifically, for your breast augmentation consultation, you can share the kind of aesthetic you’d like to achieve, whether that’s overall larger breasts, improvements in symmetry and projection, or enhanced cup size and position. You can get a better idea of what Dr. Parkins can do by viewing breast implant before-and-after photos to see breast augmentation patients who chose her.

Dr. Parkins and her team will also collect your medical history and complete a thorough physical examination.

Once we’ve established a clear idea of your goals and what you want moving forward, Dr. Parkins will provide her opinion and work with you to build a personalized breast augmentation plan. Breast enhancement is not a one-size-fits-all process, and Dr. Parkins approaches each surgery as a one-of-a-kind procedure to help you feel like your very best self.

We strongly recommend coming to this meeting with some pictures of breasts you like (a quick Google image search works perfectly) to give us some insight into your aesthetic. Finally, we’ll take some pictures to help plan the breast augmentation process, and you’ll be on your way. Dr. Parkins will map out her blueprint for the surgery and make sure you clearly understand what will happen throughout your breast augmentation procedure and recovery process.

Your consultation is also the time to ask questions about benefits and risks, recovery time, and breast implant cost.

It’s natural to feel a little nervous. However, our entire team is made up of women, and we are here to offer our expertise and help you feel calm, well cared for, and comfortable.


Dr. Parkins

Dr. Maida Parkins is committed to surgical excellence through education, compassion, and confidentiality. Her experience is unparalleled and highly sought after in the Madison and Milwaukee area. A consultation with Dr. Maida Parkins is conducted at our private, state-of-the-art surgical facility where you will have all your questions answered so you can confidently start your surgical journey.

Dr. Parkins

Get to know our Board-Certified plastic surgeon and founder of Parkins Plastic Surgery.

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Vectra 3D Imaging System

Parkins Plastic Surgery is excited to announce our newest addition– the incredible Vectra 3D Imaging Camera! VECTRA’s lifelike 3-D simulation will give you a complete preview of how your results are likely to appear on your body* – not an approximation on a model. With VECTRA, you can experiment with different surgical options and work with your surgeon to develop the best cosmetic plan for you. No more trying on multiple pairs of implants and imagining what the results could look like. Have confidence in your decision with the Vectra 3D Imaging System at Parkins Plastic Surgery!
*Individual results may vary
*Individual results may vary

What Does Breast Augmentation Involve?

Just as no two breast augmentation patients are the same, no two treatment plans mirror each other. Dr. Parkins and her staff make it a point to get to know patients personally, so they can create a plan for breast augmentation surgery that matches each patient’s ideal vision. Since body shape is closely tied to feelings of confidence, our team finds it vital to listen closely and work with compassion, helping your personal goals become reality.

You have many choices when it comes to breast augmentation, including:

  • Breast Implant Type: Choices in breast augmentation filler include silicone, highly form-stable silicone gel (gummy bear implants), and saline. The ultimate decision about which breast implant works best for you will depend on the amount of natural breast tissue available, overall body frame size, and how you would like your results to look and feel.

  • Breast Implant Shape and Profile: Breast implants may be round or shaped like a teardrop (known as “anatomical”). The degree to which your breast implants project is also an important part in creating a custom treatment. Dr. Parkins can help you choose from low, moderate, or high-profile breast implant projection to suit your needs.

  • Surgical Details: The type of breast implant you select will influence how Dr. Parkins will perform your breast augmentation surgery. There are technically several options for where to place the incisions, but Dr. Parkins almost always strongly recommends making them in the breast crease to reduce risk of infection and a potential complication known as “capsular contracture.” Dr. Parkins carefully reviews the options with patients when developing a treatment plan, ensuring they have the information they need to make a confident decision. Your safety and experience are a top concern. When placing breast implants, Dr. Parkins users a “Keller funnel,” which limits handling of the implants to lower risk of infection and create a less obvious incision.
An implant’s projection is basically how far it sticks out from your chest wall. Other variables to consider include the type of gel used to fill the implant, as well as the specific size. At Parkins Plastic Surgery, given the various factors taken into account, we have more than 375 round implant options for breast augmentation patients.

See Yourself in Sientra®

At Parkins Plastic Surgery, we use Sientra silicone gel breast implants. Sientra implants are FDA-approved and have an unrivaled safety profile, with some of the lowest complication rates clinically shown through a robust 10-year study*. Not only are Sientra implants safe, but they are also backed by their Platinum 20TM year warranty which provides the longest length of coverage, most financial assistance, and least restrictions in the industry. Sientra implants are designed to hold their shape while maintaining a remarkably soft feel. With two surface types, over 340 implant options, and 6 projection levels, Sientra breast implants can help you see the look you’ve always wanted.

* Stevens WG et al. Ten-year core study data for Sientra’s Food and Drug Administration—approved round and shaped breast implants with cohesive silicone gel. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2018;141(4S):7S-19S.

What Is Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

Fat transfer has revolutionized the field of breast augmentation. From the beginning of cosmetic breast surgery, doctors have relied on saline and silicone implants to provide safe, customizable, and beautiful results. After years of research and clinical testing, today, Dr. Parkins’ patients can choose to increase their breast size with their own fat tissue.

Though variations of the fat transfer breast augmentation technique have been in use since 1995, results varied widely depending on the surgeon’s skill and the patient’s anatomy. Today, board-certified plastic surgeons can provide a gorgeous look that feels completely natural (because it is) and patients love. Even though fat transfer breast augmentation (also known as lipoaugmentation) has been on the rise, in comparison to traditional breast augmentation techniques, it’s still relatively uncommon.

The concept behind fat transfer breast augmentation is beautifully simple. Dr. Parkins takes fat tissue from a trouble area such as the thighs, back, abdomen, or love handles, and then injects these cells into the breast. This process is also known as autologous fat grafting and can increase breast volume up to one cup size. Our patients particularly love fat transfer breast augmentation because they not only get to see fuller, more shapely breasts, but they also receive liposuction in the same operation for a more harmonious body contour.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Details

During the 10 days leading up to your fat transfer breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Parkins asks that you avoid taking any anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, which can induce blood-thinning. If you have any questions about a particular medication, please don’t hesitate to call us and ask.

The morning of surgery, we recommend wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothes, and be sure you have a friend or loved one at the ready to drive you home post-op. Dr. Parkins will go into everything you need to know about these logistical details during your consultation.

During your surgical visit, Dr. Parkins will perform two sequential procedures. First, she will carefully remove fat from a targeted area of the body. This fat is then purified and precisely injected into the breasts to create a uniform volume increase.

To help ensure the maximum survival of fat tissue, we take several precautions, including avoiding any trauma at the removal site, meticulous refinement of the harvested fat, and injections in small aliquots of fat rather than in large portions. Usually, the procedure requires one to two hours to perform.

What Sets Dr. Parkins Apart for Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Dr. Parkins puts patients first by creating a personal and individualized experience for each breast augmentation patient at her boutique practice. Women who choose Dr. Parkins for their surgery can expect complete attention to detail and a personal touch that helps them feel at home. Dr. Parkins also provides a female perspective on breast augmentation, empathizing with patients, seeking to understand their unique concerns, and helping them get what they need.

Patients feel confident approaching Dr. Parkins with their most confidential physical concerns. By the end of their breast augmentation experience, they’ve made a true friend who supports their journey to wellness and confidence.

The Parkins Plastic Surgery team’s honest approach to treatment and patient interactions makes all the difference in creating beautiful outcomes and positive experiences.

Recovery After Breast Augmentation

A typical breast augmentation procedure with implants can take about an hour to complete, depending on the type of implant and techniques used. Patients return home about two hours after their surgery. For safety reasons, you must have a family member or friend take you home and stay with you for the first 24 hours after breast augmentation.

During the first few days, you will experience some pain and swelling in your breasts. These sensations are normal and will go away with time as your body heals. Pain medication will be prescribed to ease any discomfort you experience, but most patients are able to control their discomfort with only over-the-counter pain medication. You may also be required to wear a surgical bra or compression garment at all times for several days after breast augmentation surgery. These garments provide stability for the implants, improve circulation, and can help to prevent an accumulation of fluid, known as “edema.”

It is important to rest after breast augmentation surgery, since your body is devoting considerable energy to healing. We recommend taking at least two days off of work or any other type of major responsibility.

You can perform light exercise, including walking and gentle aerobics, about two weeks after breast augmentation surgery with implants. Rigorous upper body workouts, running, and weight lifting should be postponed for at least four weeks after getting your implants.

Patients generally resume all normal activities after one month—but Dr. Parkins is the only one qualified to assess how far along your healing has progressed. It is vital that you maintain regularly scheduled follow-up visits and follow all of Dr. Parkins’ instructions after breast augmentation surgery to ensure proper healing and limited complications.

For fat transfer breast augmentation, once your procedure is complete, the initial recovery period of rest takes about three days. After that, any remaining swelling or soreness will dissipate over the next few weeks.

Complete recovery takes anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of months. Dr. Parkins will observe your condition carefully throughout this process and will advise you on when you can safely resume your regular activities. After approximately three months, you’ll see full results.

Real Patient Results

Visit our before & after patient photo gallery, where stunning transformations come to life, showcasing the remarkable journey of physical change and personal growth. 

Before After

Other Breast Surgery and Contouring Options

You can choose to pair breast augmentation with other procedures, such as a breast lift. This may be recommended if your goals are not just increased breast volume and projection, but also breasts that sit in a higher position on the chest wall.

Women who want to make a change to their existing breast implants, whether to change their size or shape—or remove them completely—can choose breast revision.

For smaller breasts, Dr. Parkins offers breast reduction, as well as nipple-areola reduction. Men who want to address the problem of gynecomastia (development of male breasts) can opt for male breast reduction.

Any breast surgery—breast augmentation, lift, or reduction—may be part of a Mommy Makeover, which combines multiple procedures to address physical changes caused by pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding.

The techniques used in fat transfer breast augmentation can also be used to add volume to the buttocks. Fat grafting augmentation in this case works the same way: Fat cells are carefully harvested from one area, then purified and injected elsewhere to create curves.

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