Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, or Both: How Do You Choose Which Option is Best for You?

In most cultures, including the West, breasts are thought of as a symbol of femininity, beauty, and vitality. The appearance of your breasts, how they impact the way clothes fit you, and how they affect overall body proportions can all have an effect on your self-confidence. Patients often want to enhance their breast shape or size for a more streamlined, balanced body type—but if you have wanted to make changes to your breasts, you may not be sure what type of surgery you need. One question that patients often ask us when they’re considering cosmetic surgery is: “Is a breast lift the same as an augmentation?” Milwaukee-area patients who can’t decide which procedure is most suitable for them can find a basic explanation of the similarities and differences between these two procedures below. 

Deciding to have cosmetic surgery is a very personal decision, and it’s always best to discuss your considerations with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine which technique is the best fit for you.

Basically, even though breast augmentations and breast lifts both enhance the appearance of the breasts, the surgeries are completely different. Breast augmentation is about creating larger breasts, while a good candidate for a breast lift may be someone who feels as if their breasts have lost their shape and volume and are now asymmetrical, elongated, or sagging. 

One of the major differences between these two forms of cosmetic surgery is that a breast lift improves the breasts’ position, but unlike a breast augmentation, the size of the breast won’t significantly change. A lift is better for patients who are satisfied with the size of their breasts but aren’t happy about their position. If your main focus is getting bigger breasts, a breast augmentation may be right for you. However, breast augmentation can’t correct drooping breasts—for that, you’ll need a breast lift. At Parkins Plastic Surgery, we can combine these procedures so that you can enjoy increased fullness while your breasts are also restored to a perkier position. 

If you want to get more detailed answers to your questions about lifts and augmentation, contact our team at Parkins Plastic Surgery. For more details about cosmetic surgery, call us at (262) 269-1050 or submit a contact form to schedule a consultation.

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