Get the Volume-Boosting Results You Were Expecting With Help from the Milwaukee and Madison Area’s Dr. Maida Parkins and Dr. Lucas Boehm

If the results of a prior breast augmentation procedure have changed over time or no longer fit your aesthetic, you still have options for achieving a beautiful, natural-looking silhouette. Dr. Maida Parkins and Dr. Lucas Boehm provide breast revision surgery in the Milwaukee and Madison area to alleviate the stress and frustration of having implants that may have been right for you when you got them, but now fail to meet your current goals.

Price Starts At

Varies Based on Type of Revision

What's Included

As a woman, Dr. Parkins understands the emotional, mental, and even physical impact that less-than-desirable contours can have. As a board-certified plastic surgeon, she is prepared to work directly with each patient to exceed expectations and restore a sense of satisfaction. Dr. Boehm’s extensive training and experience in the latest plastic surgery techniques offers an innovative approach for all of his patients. To that end, breast revision surgery may involve replacing the old implants with new ones or removing the unwanted implants for good.


To discuss breast revision, Milwaukee and Madison area women can contact Parkins Plastic Surgery's friendly staff by calling (262) 269-1050 today, or sending a message online!

Why Would a Patient Choose Breast Revision Surgery?

There are many reasons patients may no longer be happy with their initial augmentation procedure. Life circumstances—including pregnancy, nursing, or the effects of gravity over time—can cause unwanted changes, such as large implants pulling the breasts downward or no longer appearing proportionate with the rest of your body. In some cases, women simply develop a new sense of self and style that is not compatible with the size or shape of the implants they chose in their younger days. Since every surgery is unique and every patient’s body heals in its own way, there are also hard-to-predict defects—such as capsular contracture or implant rippling—that can happen to anyone. No matter the reason, the goal of a secondary breast procedure—known as a breast revision—is to bring to life the look you had in mind when you first decided to pursue augmentation surgery. A breast revision may be desired if the post-procedure breasts are asymmetric, the implants have bottomed out, the implants are larger than you expected, or you wish you would have gone with a different type of implant. While it’s understandably frustrating to have to go through the surgical process again, a breast revision can provide the relief of knowing you’ve finally achieved the look you wanted from the start.

There are several reasons a patient may consider breast revision surgery with the Milwaukee area’s Dr. Maida Parkins or Dr. Lucas Boehm. Patients who have had a previous breast augmentation surgery should be aware of sensitivity or pain that develops or increases in the breast area, changes to the size or shape of the breast, and the evolution of their own personal style preferences—any of which are valid reasons to schedule a consultation.

Personalized Breast Revision Consultations for Milwaukee and Madison

Dr. Parkins and Dr. Boehm understand that getting any procedure right—including breast revision—requires a close relationship with the patient. Individuals under the care of our plastic surgeons and team are treated like our close friends and provided with the attentive service they need to express their concerns.

It’s sometimes the case that patients are unsatisfied with their look because the initial implant results turned out to be larger or smaller than they had envisioned. But even well-chosen and-placed implants can create unanticipated defects. Dr. Parkins and Dr. Boehm understand that patients’ goals are deeply personal. They are there to act as your breast revision guide, but will not pressure you into making a choice that goes against your wishes.

At Parkins Plastic Surgery, our goal is to provide natural, beautiful breast revision results that help you move forward with confidence.



Dr. Parkins & Dr. Boehm are committed to surgical excellence through education, compassion, and confidentiality. Their combined experience is unparalleled and highly sought after in the Madison and Milwaukee area. A consultation with either of our surgeons is conducted at our private, state-of-the-art surgical facility where you will have all your questions answered so you can confidently start your surgical journey.

Dr. Parkins

Get to know our Board-Certified plastic surgeon and founder of Parkins Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Boehm

Get to know our highly specialized plastic surgeon in facial aesthetics.

Dr. Boehm

Get to know our highly specialized plastic surgeon in facial aesthetics.

What Are the Breast Revision Options?

Designing your treatment plan requires understanding what went wrong in the first place and how these issues can be best addressed under Dr. Parkins’ or Dr. Boehm’s care. On the day of your breast revision surgery, your surgeon can replace or remove your implants, according to your preferences.

Replacing Implants

Price Starts At


Estimate Varies Based on Consultation

What's Included

If you are dissatisfied with your current implants, they can be replaced. Whether you prefer form-stable gel, silicone, or saline, we provide a wide range of options for breast revision. Your new implants can also be larger or smaller, depending on your cosmetic goals.

Implants may also need to be replaced if they have been damaged in any way, which is also considered a defect.

In many breast revision cases, Dr. Parkins and Dr. Boehm can use the same incision lines from your first surgery. This strategy prevents additional scarring.

Explant Surgery

Price Starts At


Estimate Varies Based on Consultation

What's Included

There are some patients who regret their initial choice to have implants at all. They may have pictured themselves differently or simply do not enjoy the feeling of artificial breasts. For these women, Dr. Parkins or Dr. Boehm can remove the implants entirely and restore a completely natural body contour. Some breast revision patients choosing this route can benefit from a lift as well, so they look rejuvenated but not over-treated.

Implant Removal, Lift, and Fat Grafting

Price Starts At


Estimate Varies Based on Consultation

What's Included

Some women—especially those who got implants when they were younger—notice that their breasts sag and change shape over time, particularly if they have gained a little weight in the years since their initial surgery. For these women, breast revision surgery can involve removing the original implants and performing a lift to address the sagging, stretched-out skin. Then, your surgeon can take fat from one area of the body and inject it into the upper pole of the breasts to give them more fullness and a naturally round shape.

What Are Some Breast Implant Defects That Might Prompt Breast Revision?

Issues that require surgical attention include capsular contracture (the constricting of the implant by excess scar tissue), visible rippling, bottoming out, and implant rupture.

To treat capsular contracture, Dr. Parkins or Dr. Boehm can release or remove the scar tissue that formed around the implant, allowing the device to settle back into its natural shape. This breast revision technique resolves the hard and blocky appearance a constricted implant takes on.

Rippling can occur when implants are not filled properly, they sit too loosely in the breast pocket, or there is not much tissue covering them. The wavy surface of a rippled implant can cause the skin above to look the same way. Removing the implant during breast revision and replacing it with a properly filled device that sits snugly in the pocket can solve the problem.

Bottoming out is an issue that can be experienced by patients who had a lift performed alongside augmentation with implants. While excess skin can be removed via surgical excision, there are also other conditions that can cause breasts to droop. In these cases, removing the loose skin alone won’t provide a lasting improvement in breast position. As they heal, patients may notice their implants have sunk lower inside the breast itself so that the top of the breast is no longer so full and the distance from the nipple to the breast crease is disproportionately long. To correct this defect, your surgeon improves supportive internal breast structures during breast revision to better hold the weight of the implant.

All implants have a “shelf life,” which means they may someday, years down the line, develop a tear. If this happens to a saline implant, the breast will appear deflated as the sterile salt water solution inside the silicone shell trickles out and is absorbed into the body. Since silicone is thicker, ruptured gel implants do not flatten, so women with these augmentations should be routinely evaluated to determine whether a rupture has taken place. In either case, damaged implants are removed and replaced during breast revision to restore your appearance.

What Does Breast Revision Recovery Involve?

Breast revision surgery is similar to augmentation surgery in terms of rest and recovery afterward. Dr. Parkins and Dr. Boehm instruct their patients to line up someone to drive them home and be available to help for the first 24 hours after the procedure.

Patients can expect swelling, discomfort, and pain in their breasts in the days following breast revision, all of which will fade throughout the healing process. Pain medication can be taken as necessary to improve comfort during this time.

Patients whose breast revision surgery involves getting new implants will wear a compression garment or surgical bra for several days in order to stabilize the implants and provide other benefits.

No matter the breast revision specifics, patients should plan to rest, adding in gentle activities about two weeks following the procedure. Dr. Parkins and Dr. Boehm advise patients to wait a month before resuming any other physical activities—especially those involving lifting heavy objects—but will assess your healing at follow-up visits to ensure results are progressing as they should.

FAQs About Breast Revision

How Do I Know if I Need a Second Breast Procedure?

It may be time to consider breast revision if you feel physically uncomfortable or if your implants are causing you emotional distress. In other cases, the need may be very obvious—as when a saline implant ruptures or capsular contracture develops—or apparent after follow-up care reveals a tear in a silicone device.

If I Don’t Like My Implants, How Long Should I Wait Before Having Another Surgery?

Dr. Parkins and Dr. Boehm advise patients to wait six months to a year after an augmentation procedure before they decide they want breast revision surgery. While this may seem like a long time to live with implants you don’t like, it’s important to give the healing process ample time. About a year after augmentation surgery, breast implants naturally drop and soften. Swelling is also greatly reduced. If you are dissatisfied with breasts that appear high and firm right after surgery, you may change your mind as the results mature and reveal their long-term position, shape, and feel.

How Much Does Breast Implant Revision Cost?

The cost of your procedure depends entirely on the steps necessary for you to meet your goals. Correcting nipple position and skin laxity may be less costly, for example, than surgery to correct capsular contracture or implant rupture. During treatment planning, you will have the opportunity to discuss procedure details—including breast revision cost—with Dr. Parkins or Dr. Boehm.

Other Possible Breast Procedures

Implants can cause some women to watch their larger and heavier breasts sag over time as gravity pulls and stretches aging skin. A breast lift can address this problem—and pairs well with breast revision procedures. Talk to Dr. Parkins or Dr. Boehm about the possibilities if you are unhappy with the look of your breasts, for whatever reason.


Get started today with a breast revision in the Milwaukee area with help from Parkins Plastic Surgery's. Call our beautiful Lake Country office in Oconomowoc, WI, at (262) 269-1050. You can also send a message online.


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