Discover More About What a Tummy Tuck Can and Can’t Do in the Milwaukee and Madison Area

How can I find the best tummy tuck surgeon near me? Patients who look up terms like “Tummy Tuck Doctors Near Me” are often unsure about what a tummy tuck actually can and can’t do. After a tummy tuck, patients can expect to have a slimmer, firmer, and more toned-looking abdomen, but even knowing this, it’s not uncommon to wonder, “Can I reduce hard belly fat or visceral fat with a tummy tuck near me?” Milwaukee and Madison area patients who come to Parkins Plastic Surgery can meet with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Maida Parkins for a consultation to learn more about what the procedure can accomplish, as well as find out whether a tummy tuck (or “belly tuck,” “tummy lift,” or “stomach tuck“) is the best approach for enhancing the appearance of the abdominal area.

If you have more questions, like “What is the price of a tummy tuck near me?” “What should I know before and after a mini tummy tuck near me?” “Where can I get a tummy tuck for plus size near me?” or “How do I find abdominoplasty surgeons near me?” we can provide more details on the procedure and address any concerns you might have.


For more details on what to expect when looking for “Tummy Tuck Near Me” in the Milwaukee or Madison area, contact Dr. Maida Parkins' friendly staff at (262) 269-1050 today, or send a message online to request a consultation.

Can I Lose Belly Fat with an Abdominoplasty Near Me?

Plenty of patients who look for “Best Abdominoplasty Surgeon Near Me,” “Mini Tummy Tuck Near Me,” or “Cheap Tummy Tuck Near Me” are interested in having—yes—a “Tummy Tuck Near Me” to flatten or shrink their stomach area by removing belly fat.

To understand how this works, it’s important to know that there are different types of fat in the belly area. Subcutaneous fat is the type of soft, wobbly fat just under the skin, while visceral fat is the type that sits close to the abdominal organs and can’t be seen from the outside.

One thing to keep in mind when you search for “Affordable Tummy Tuck Near Me” or “Best Tummy Tuck Surgeon Near Me” is that this procedure is not suitable for removing visceral fat. If you’re overweight, it’s best to lose weight before a tummy tuck and then stick close to your ideal weight if you want the best results. This is true no matter where you go for the surgery, or whether you are choosing a women’s or men’s tummy tuck.

Patients often decide to get a tummy tuck after weight loss in order to “fine tune” their results and address skin laxity. In addition to removing fat, you can also get a tummy tuck for loose skin or to repair weakened or separated muscles on the abdominal wall (a condition known as diastasis recti). For some patients, a mini tummy tuck is best, while others might benefit more from getting a full “tummy tuck near me,” belly apron surgery, or an extended tummy tuck.

Interested in learning more about “What to expect before and after a tummy tuck near me?” Wondering “How much will a tummy tuck near me cost?” Our team can provide further details on tummy tuck cost, tummy tucks and the belly button (for those interested in tightening or reshaping the belly button area), combined tummy tuck and lipo, preparation, recovery, and more for those searching for “Tummy Tuck Near Me.”

Which Cosmetic Procedures Complement an Abdominoplasty Near Me?

Whether you’re looking for a “tummy tuck near me” or “non-surgical tummy tuck,” know that Parkins Plastic Surgery offers multiple forms of cosmetic surgery and other treatments to enhance the breasts and body. Options include liposuction, breast augmentation, breast lift, post weight loss surgery, and more. You certainly don’t have to decide now! Talk to us, and we can help you determine which route to take to beautiful new contours.


What are the benefits of a “tummy tuck near me” in the Milwaukee or Madison area? Contact Parkins Plastic Surgery to find out. Call our Lake Country office in Oconomowoc, WI, at (262) 269-1050. You can also send a message online to request an appointment.

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