What Causes Cellulite?

We give it funny nicknames like “orange peel skin” and “cottage cheese skin,” but the truth is that cellulite can be a frustrating problem—not so funny—for many. Common on the thighs and buttocks, cellulite gives the skin a dimpled or bumpy appearance that can also affect other areas of the body, such as the breasts, lower abdomen, and upper arms. Contrary to some of the common myths about this condition, cellulite is not caused by excess fat or loose skin. People of all body types and BMIs are just as susceptible to the unwanted texture. Even very fit people can have it.

Medical professionals still don’t fully understand what causes cellulite, but there are several factors that are believed to contribute to the condition. There is also a variety of treatments available for cellulite, but some are more effective than others. With so many variables, it can be difficult to know which one you should choose. For example, does Avéli work for cellulite? Our Milwaukee area-based Parkins Plastic Surgery team believes that Avéli can indeed be highly effective for the right patient.

Here’s what patients should know about the causes of cellulite and how Avéli can help address the problem. 

Although cellulite doesn’t pose any threat to the health, it is a very common concern. The cosmetic condition is thought to be caused by an interaction between the fibrous connective cords that tie the skin down to the muscle below and the fat that builds up between those cords.

When fat cells accumulate under the skin, they push against the network of fibrous cords attaching the skin to the muscle. As the fat cells push upward and the tense cords pull down due to increasing pressure, ripples or bumps appear on the surface of the skin.

Women are more likely to have cellulite than men because the connective tissue beneath their skin is structured differently. Women’s bodies produce more estrogen and less testosterone, meaning that there is not only a thicker layer of fat beneath the skin, but also weaker connective tissues.

Since cords are the main culprit, the best treatments focus on relieving the tension that causes the skin to pucker inward. Avéli is a minimally invasive, one-time treatment for cellulite on the buttocks and thighs. It works by mechanically cutting the tight connective bands. This allows the skin’s surface to sit more evenly and have a smoother overall appearance.

Schedule a visit to Parkins Plastic Surgery for treatments for cellulite and more. Call us at (262) 269-1050 or send a contact form online to arrange a visit.

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